General FAQ’s
If it seems like the site is slow, it is because it is. Sorry.
I have just started hosting on my own server, with limited knowledge of servers and how they operate. I'm learning! But I bought a budget low end ( apparently ) server. It works and that's the good news! But it is slow. I am already looking to upgrade so hopefully it will get better soon.
If you get a 404 Error, that is usually a timeout error. Try hitting your browsers refresh button and whatever you were trying to do, will usually finish.
If you try to do something and it looks like it finished but the page looks the same, again use the browser refresh button. I use a page cache to try and speed up the site, but sometimes things change but the page does not update. It still shows you the page in cache. Hitting the refresh button usually clears that up.
Home Page - That is the page you are viewing now. From any page on the site, click on the SadDuck image near the top left of the page to return to this page.
Shop - Clicking on this will display pages of products in my shop, in alphabetical order. You can change the sorting order with the option on the page. There are several sub-menus under the Shop option . . .
* SadDuck Graphics - will list all the products created by SadDuck. You can also select to view just my free products.
* Author - Caron Rider - is a list of self-published ebooks. They were written for young adults but are basically good for all ages. There is some descriptive gore, but no harsh or vulgar language.
* Vanilla Gorilla Graphics - is a list of all graphics by Vanilla Gorilla. They are broken into several sub-sections as shown in the menu.
Cart - Your shopping cart and contents
Checkout - Go to the checkout page
Privacy Policy - Our current policy
No Refund - Our return/refund policy explanation.
----- There is also a simple crossword puzzle on this page. It will change at times
My Account - Options you can access after you register an account and sign in
The contact form is located in the right hand side bar of the page. Use it to contact myself (SadDuck) or Vanilla Gorilla. There is a radio button for whom you wish the email to go to. If in doubt, send it to SadDuck.
I have an option to generate FREE QR Codes located in the right hand side bar. Simply click the link to go there. You can create many different types of codes and they are not dependent on this website. No information from the generator will be saved or stored. The information is embedded in the QR code and will never expire. Be sure to 'Save' your code after you create it. This simply saves it in memory. Then download your code in one or all of the provided formats.
Once you leave the generator page, all information you entered is lost. If you lose your QR code that you download, you will have to generate another. Again, nothing is actually 'saved'.
If you click on the No Refunds menu option, then scroll down a little you will see a simple crossword puzzle game. Feel free to play. I will change the puzzle randomly as I get time or simply feel like a new puzzle. If you have an idea for a puzzle you would like to see, fill out the contact form and let me know. Enjoy!